Since May 2015, the state government has embarked on a number of programmes and projects that are geared towards the development of agriculture in the state.

Some of the agricultural programmes include:
- Improvement of Rice Cultivation and provision for processing facilities for Rice in the three (3) Senatorial District
- Improvement in Cassava production
- Development of Livestock farming including Grasscutter production, goat production, piggery and poultry production
- Establishment of fish farm clusters across the State
- Massive cultivation and distribution of Oil Palm Seedlings to Farmers.
- Development and partnership in commercial agriculture with Norseworthy Agro Allied Ltd.
- Development of Oil palm clusters from production to processing
- Establishment of Ogwashi-uku Agro Allied Industrial Park to support large ongoing out growers scheme.
- Purchase of Mechanized agricultural equipment (Tractors, sprayers etc.)